We are
Sandra's Relief
The founder of this charity is Sandra Johnson. She went through years of domestic violence at the hands of her partner and his family.
For over 16 years Sandra endured physical abuse, including strangulation, emotional, financial intimidation, and manipulation. At the peak of the abuse, Sandra was referred by the police, GP, Children Services, to charity organisations in the United Kingdom for support however none of them were able to provide her and her daughter with the utmost important temporary refuge so that she could recalibrate and make plans for the future.
She was forced to live in the same abusive situation, which was extremely dangerous and not recommended. Sandra worked hard to buy a home to provide a safe abode for herself and her daughter.
The lack of interim refuge for women and their children in the United Kingdom prompted the foundation of Sandra’s Relief charity organisation, whose sole purpose is to provide immediate shelter for women and their children in danger of domestic abuse. Sandra’s Relief collaborates with other charitable organisations and government bodies to provide a One-Stop help for women who are victims of domestic violence.
Our goal is to prevent violence and abuse while also offering urgent temporary accommodation to victims. Our work is holistic and empowering, assisting survivors in achieving self-sufficiency and a life free of abuse.
We are aware that some women in London are subjected to domestic violence at the hands of their partners daily. We aim to support these women by empowering them with tools to break the chain of abuse in a safe environment where they can make effective next step choices to gain freedom from their abusers.
Sandra's Relief helps women and their children who are victims of domestic abuse to live safe and peaceful lives with a future devoid of male violence and cruelty.