A temporary safe place to stay for domestic abuse victims
A refuge is a fear-free environment for women and their children who are victims of domestic violence.
Any woman trying to flee domestic violence can seek sanctuary at any moment. It makes no difference whether you are married to or live with your abuser, or if you have children.
You may have to travel a significant distance from your home to a refuge. Accommodations provided are subject to availability, and applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Majority of our refuges will provide you with your own room to live with your children and you will also have access to a shared common area within the residence. Other accommodations are self-contained family apartments.
All refuges are run by professionals and volunteers who will help you to settle and support you in accessing other services.
You will be required to sign an agreement that states the conditions under which you can stay at the refuge, how long you can stay and the rules and policies that are essential to guarantee all our residents’ safety (for example, regarding safeguarding, the use of alcohol or drugs, confidentiality, visitors, etc.)